Organising content in Ghost

Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags, which can be assigned from post settings menu within the Ghost editor.


By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into related content.

For  example you may tag some content with News and other content with  Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on  /tag/news/ and /tag/weather/, respectively.

If you tag a post with both News and Weather - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated  home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their  own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images  and meta data.

Primary Tag

Tags can drag  and dropped into a specific order from the post settings menu. The first  tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes  will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by  default.

News, Technology, Startup

Private Tags

In Ghost, hashtags are private tags and can be used for special styling.

For  example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might  want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to  give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen.

News, #video

Here,  the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tag of News - but it  would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video.

You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation.

Posts & pages

There are two types of content in Ghost than can be organised with tags: posts and pages.  Posts are the primary content type and posts will belong to an index  page or collection of posts. Pages are generally used for static one-off  content, and are excluded from all feeds. Find out more about posts and  pages in the core concepts guide.