Publishing Options

The post settings menu within the editor allows you to fully optimise your content. This is where you can add  tags and authors, feature a post, or turn a post into a page.

Here are all of the available options in the post settings menu:

Set a feature image

To  set a feature image to be displayed with your post, open the post  settings menu by clicking the gear icon and click the “Upload post  image” button to upload an image from your file system.

To use the Unsplash integration to select a post image, click the camera icon in the post image box and select an Unsplash image.

Customise the Post URL

Ghost  will use the title of your post to generate a Post URL. To change the  Post URL, click inside the Post URL field in the post settings menu and  type the new URL. Blank spaces will automatically convert to “-” in the  URL field.

Change the publish date

To  set the publish date of a post, click inside the date field within the  post settings menu, and use the calendar to select a date. Publish dates  can be future dated or back dated.

To set the time of a published  (or scheduled) post, click inside the time field, and enter a time in  24hr 00:00 format. If the timezone is incorrect for your location,  change your publication timezone in the settings.

Set a tag

To  set a tag with your post, click inside the tag field within the post  settings menu and begin typing your tag. If a tag already exists, it  will populate the dropdown below.

Add a custom excerpt

To  include a custom excerpt with a post to be displayed across your theme,  enter the excerpt in the excerpt field. There is no limit on excerpt  length. HTML will not be rendered in the custom excerpt.

Set multiple authors

By  default, Ghost assigns post authorship to the logged in user creating  the post. To change the author, use the author field in the post  settings menu. Multiple authors can be assigned to a post by selecting  the name of the author from the author list or typing the author name in  the author field.

Customise meta data

Meta  data and social sharing card details can be customised by clicking on  the “Meta Data,” “Twitter Card,” or “Facebook Card” options from the  post settings menu. Each option will allow you to customise the title  and description of the post, as well as the image to be shared if  customising social sharing cards.

Add custom canonical URLs

Ghost  automatically generates canonical links and specifies the page or post  as the preferred URL. If you need to override this automatic feature and  set your own canonical link, you can enter the preferred URL in the Canonical URL field, below your custom meta data:

Common  use cases for this include posting guest content on your site, working  with multiple versions of the same content or generating reading lists  with links to external content.

Inject custom code

To  include custom scripts or styles with a post, use the “Code Injection”  option from the post settings menu. Custom code can be added to the  header or footer of the post. This feature is useful when adding  additional tracking scripts to a post or making custom CSS changes that  only apply to a single post.

Set a custom template

To use a custom post or page template with your content, select the custom template from the "Template" dropdown.

For details on creating custom templates in the Ghost theme layer, refer to our tutorial.

Turn a post into a page

To  convert a post into a page, check the box in the post settings menu.  Once converted to a page, the post will no longer appear in your list of  posts on your homepage or elsewhere on your site and is only accessible  via a direct link. To add a navigation link to your page, use the design settings menu.

To create static pages using custom theme templates, check out this tutorial.

Set a featured post

To  set a post as featured, check the box next to “Feature this post” in  the post settings menu. When a post is featured, a class of feature will  be added to the {{post_class}} in the HTML code for the post. This will allow you to target the post differently for theme development.